The Animal Kingdom
Here are, in short, the animals that are in the general classification, but not included in our Museum

Kingdom Animalia
sub-Kingdom Parazoa
Greek poros = pore + phero = to bear

animals not kept in this museum

Porifera in the only Phylum in the sub Regnum Parazoa. They are animals without organs and live filtering food particles out of the water flowing across their bodies.
Kingdom Animalia
sub-Kingdom Eumetazoa
Latin radius =  radius

animals not kept in this museum

Distinction between Radiata and Bilateria is a historical classification of animals. Today the term “radiata” is no longer used among scientists, but here we find it still useful to understand what we are talking about.
Kingdom Animalia, sub-Kingdom Eumetazoa

Ancient Greek echinos = hedgehog" + derma "skin"

animals not kept in this museum
From the point of view of evolution, animals such as stars and sea urchins belong to the same SuperPhylum Deuterostomia as Vertebrates, though their adults are recognisable by a radial symmetry.and have a calcareous endoskeleton. They live all in see and oceans.
A  Sea Urchin. Image from Wikipedia by tsca, licensed under the  Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic
Aplysina aerophoba. Image from Wikipedia by Yoruno, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Corallium rubrum. Image from Wikipedia by Yoruno, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Hyla intermedia., Image by Paolo Beneventi
Kingdom Animalia, sub-Kingdom Eumetazoa

Latin chorda = string"

animals not kept in this museum

The name comes from the presence of a dorsal "cord" in the embryo, which in the Vertebrates develops into a complete skeleton. Phlyum also includes Cephalochordata and Tunicata..
The Children's Virtual Museum of Small Animals
from the school yard to the Internet!
For Kids, for Teachers, for all People who want to set it up together!
Trichodes apiarius, fam. Cleridae. Remedello (BS), 10 Jun 2010. Bonsignori Inst, high school cl. V
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