Remember, for every photograph, we need the place and date of the shot, and possibly more than a picture, from different points of view. Moreover, if we have the original digital files in right size, sent by email, it's better than to take them from social networks, often cut and reduce, as in many cases it is necessary to take only a part of the picture, to frame the subject well without too much background.
Many times we do not succeed in identifying exactly the small animals. Because nobody is expert in everything, or we have not pictures that help us on the web or in the books, or maybe that species is actually strange or rare.

Hall "Unknow: Help!"
Unknown: help!
page in progress...
The Children's Virtual Museum of Small Animals
from the school yard to the Internet!
For Kids, for Teachers, for all People who want to set it up together!
Here we will put some pictures, indicating what we have understand and what not, and explaing also a little how we work for recognition,

Trichodes apiarius, fam. Cleridae. Remedello (BS), 10 Jun 2010. Bonsignori Inst, high school cl. V
The Museum Door