Web References
The Web is a space where people can meet and share the world

The World Wide Web is a great occasion for democracy and participation for all the citizens of the planet, including children.
There are millions of web sites, everyone can make his own web site or blog, but the change has been so big and so fast that most humans still haven’t learned to use it properly. The majority prefer to frequent social networks, spaces to which everyone can participate even without a technological culture.
Our museum is also a website, designed for now with a basic style a little "out of fashion". The idea is to change it over time according to the indications that will come from those who attend, especially from children,that we already think as it is should have fun searching and clicking with the mouse, discovering interesting things.

Here we begin to give the links to some, few web sites, related to the active children and environment, or that we have found useful to learn, study and share information about small animals.

We think, rather than indicating many addresses in bulk, to tell why we chose those few. Learning to use the web actively is one of the great cultural challenges of the present time.

We are already in contact with some, or establishing forms of connection.

We are waiting for suggestions!
"The web is more a social creation than a technical one.
I designed it for a social effect - to help people work together - and not as a technical toy“.

Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the Web (from AZ Quotes)
Vikidia aims to be the Wikipedia of kids. He we give he the link to the French site, at it was the first to be published. On the left side, young visitors can choose the pages in their own language.
On Children & Nature Network we had published news about our Museum in the past. Now we are resuming the connection.
Les Insectes

This French site is quite old and surely not for children, but we have found in it, for example, wonderful portraits of wasps that can help anyone to distinguish different species of Vespula or Polistes, just looking at the drawing of the black marks on the face. Kids should like it.


It can be useful for teachers, particularly. This is one of the most complete insect guides that we have found on the Web. More will be added soon.g
List to be continued!
Moths of Taiwan

This is interesting, because it was somehow generated from the words we had written in the search engine, trying to identify moths from pictures sent by our Taiwan correspondents. It is catalog of photographsfrom
Flickr, one of the leading sites where photographers around the world publish their works.
The Children's Virtual Museum of Small Animals
from the school yard to the Internet!
For Kids, for Teachers, for all People who want to set it up together!
Email us!
Reference websites for the recognition of small animals

When we take photos of an insect or spider, or they comes to us from schools or from our correspondents, many times we don't know it and so we go looking for books and on the Internet.
Here we begin to list a few websites that seem useful or significant to us, but there may be many others.

We are waiting for suggestions!
Warning: When we find online a photo of a small animal that is the same or similar to the one we are trying to recognize and the name is underneath, we have to be careful.
Let's check that the name doesn't refer to something else on the same page.
Let's look somewhere else for other images that confirm the recognition: not all who publish are experts and the indications under a single photo could be wrong!
Sometimes identifying the exact species (entomologist tell us) is very difficult or even no possible from a picture, but with practice we can become good at recognizing the order, the family, the genus...

It's important to pay close attention to the details: shape, colours, drawing on the body and wings, the head, the legs, the antennae...
Trichodes apiarius, fam. Cleridae. Remedello (BS), 10 Jun 2010. Bonsignori Inst, high school cl. V
The Museum Door