1988. European Year of Environment, Paolo Beneventi runs 4 projects with the children of the kindergarten in Brescia, The River, The Horse, The peatlands and Nature in Town, with a wide video documentation.

Paolo goes on with other projects on environmental subject in Brescian kindergarten.

1997. First projects in primary and kindergarten schools of Lombardy with Coop Lombardia, video I Bambini e l’Ambiente (Children and Environment)

. With many classes of primary and kidergarten schools, the municipality of Brescia and Coop Lombardia, Paolo leads kids exploring the green areas of the town, with the final production of a CR ROM, Alla Scoperta della natura in città (Discovering Nature in the City)

2004-2014 Almost every year,  groups from
primary and kidergarten school of Brescia and and surroundings go discovering insects, spiders and centipedes in their school yard or garden, with a huge photo and video documentation. Main Videos: Concittadini Inaspettati, La Natura sotto Casa, Costruiamo insieme il Museo dei Piccoli Animali.

2007 November. The
Photo Exhibition Concittadini Inaspettati (Unexpected fellow citizens), by Paolo Beneventi for Coop Lombardia, is set up for the first time in the halls of the Museum of Science in Cremona, with a multimedia catalogue in CD ROM.
The River (first part), kindergarten, Brescia 1988 (analogue video)
(Bambini e l’Ambiente (Children and Environment), Lombardy 1997 ((analogue video)
E' interessante la pigna volante? Video Intro. Kindergarten Brescia 1991 (analogue video)

Once upon a time they were people who tried to publish digital works,  different from usual books and traditional audiovisual products and also from websites that people surf in a few minutes.  We made a CD ROM about the experience of the children of Brescia discovering Nature, with their pictures and voices (2002), another about marine protected areas in Italy (2004), as well as the multimedia catalogue of the exhibition Concittadini Inaspettati.
Photo exhibition Concittadini Inaspettati, Brescia, Museo di Santa Giulia 2009
Photo exhibition Concittadini Inaspettati. Genova, Feltrinelli Bookshop, 2008
Photo exhibition Concittadini Inaspettati Cremona, Museo di Storia Naturale 2007
2008, October, The Photo Exhibition Concittadini Inaspettati is Genova at the Feltrinelli bookshop

2009 November.
The Photo Exhibition Concittadini Inaspettati is in Brescia, Museo di Santa Giulia

2009. A Videoclip
: Il Lombrico Joe

2009. The
Book I Bambini e l'Ambiente (Children and Environment), by Paolo Beneventi, is out with Edizioni Sonda, Casale Monferrato

The original Museum is on line, by Paolo Beneventi

14/02/2010. The Museum opens its own
group on Facebook.

2010 May. A
workshop by Paolo with children in the precincts of Ambiente Parco, and a project with Galleria della Natura, Brescia, Italy

Videos are embedded in the Museum from a new YouTube channel, of teacher solomk7, Marika Rongo, from Putignano, Italy

October 2010. Paolo and
Scuola di Robotica are in schools to work about insects and robots.

29/10-5/12 2010. The exhibition
Copioni e Copiati, is set in Genoa, by some Museum advisors.

2011, 31/04 - 05/06. The
exhibition Concittadini inaspettati is in Brescia, by Cooperativa Lavoratori of Mompiano.

2011, May 05. The Museum takes part in the meeting of
Scatti di Scienza Under 18. Milan, Italy.

2011 May .
Art Studio Mali Monmartr, Belgrade, Serbia, joins the Museum with a series of drawings and ceramics.

2012, September. The Children’s Virtual Museum of Small Animals is chapter n. 1 in Handbook of Research on Didactic Strategies and Technologies for Education: Incorporating Advancements, published by IGI Global. See the Abstract.
2013-2014: Paolo's e-book of Photography, Science and Poetry are out with MammeOnLine / Matilda editrice: Mosche, Imenotteri, Coleotteri, Emitteri.

2015 October - December. The
video of the Museum takes part in the film festivals of Cordoba, Argentina, and Pyrgos, Greece.

2015 December. The
whole 3rd primary school in Pyrgos, Greece, joins the project of the Museum looking for pictures of insects on the field.

2015 December.
The Museum re-opens, widely re-designed, hosted in the Terra Insieme web domain, and re-launched by a new, international group. A great support is given by the Organic Garden Dream group from Cindea Hung, Taiwan, whose members begin to publish especially in the Museum Facebook Group.

2016. It begins a cooperation with
Scuola Verde of Gran Sasso. Paolo makes a short quick video and a project is proposed to schools.

Video trailer for the Museum, with English text and Italian voice

2017 August 16: Last update of the Museum on the old web site, then a long pause, looking for new and more effective solutions.

2017. Many people from different parts of the world go on sharing pictures of small animals in the Facebook group. Some new videos are published in Paolo Beneventi and
Terra Insieme YouTube channels.

2020 August. In times of Covid19, a summer remote activity for kids is attempted by the Museum and Terra Insieme on line of
Hub48: “A Bugs's life”.

2021, Museum comes back with
a new site and other projects to be developed, from the collaboration with Saperenetwork, but
the work does not go well.
Photo exhibition Concittadini Inaspettati, Cover of the Multimedia catalogue, 2007
Il lombrico Joe (Joe the Earthworm) almost a videoclip, 2009
E-book of Photography, Science and Poetry, 2013-2014
Chapter 1 in Handbook of Research on Didactic Strategies and Technologies, 2012
Video trailer for the Museum, 2016
For many years, though deriving from professional workshops on the field by Paolo Beneventi, the Museum on line has been essentially an amateur activity.
Now it is re-proposed as a collective multimedia book in constant writing and it can be useful, for all those who contribute to writing it, to know something of its history.
2022, May: Ritratti Animali (Animal Portraits), at Manerba (Brescia Italy.
2022, August:: Mente Photo Natura (Mind, Photo, Nature) at Capranica (Viterbo. Italy)
After a period of only sharing some pictures on social network among collaborators and occasionally making short videos and publish them on YouTube, new small but significant experiences take place, hence the idea of a more serious and convinced relaunch of the museum than in the past.
2022. October.
After too long a period of contacts, attempts, problems with human interlocutors and technological resources
Paolo is looking for software and a suitable platform to create and publish this multimedia book online. No longer a Museum proposal, but the real Museum, which can finally work.

2022, November. As part of a larger project to be developed, called "Active Children", linked to a new book that Paolo Beneventi is starting to write, the new Children's Virtual Museum of Small Animals is online.

2023, March.
The collaboration with the
Archaeological Museum of Manerba resumes with a continuous collaboration during events and with proposals to schools.

2023, June.
For the relaunch of the museum in the schools of Brescia, a collaboration with the association
Brescia Green takes place.

2023, December, 2024 April. By the with the
Archaeological Museum of Manerba an Hotel of Insect is placed and conferences and workshops with schools and groups of kids are held on pollinator insects.
Manerba, Apr 2024
Mente Photo Natura at Capranica, August  2022
The Children's Virtual Museum of Small Animals
from the school yard to the Internet!
For Kids, for Teachers, for all People who want to set it up together!
Email us!
Trichodes apiarius, fam. Cleridae. Remedello (BS), 10 Jun 2010. Bonsignori Inst, high school cl. V
The Museum Door