from the school yard to the Internet!
For Kids, for Teachers, for all People who want to set it up together!
Email us!

In this page (and subpages for important things) we'll publish News about Activities somehow related to the Museum, and everyone is invited to share with us experiences, workshops, events.
We will gladly put here, something coming from people interested in our work, with the appropriate links, in exchange for some nice photos or videos of small animals!
For the moment, we mention events which, bringing together a new motivated group, are encouraging to go on with the project.

As the name suggests, the Museo Archeologico della Valtenesi of Manerba del Garda (BS, Italia) collects evidences of the human communities that, since prehistoric times, have settled in the area of ​​lower Lake Garda.

But it is also located in a natural area. Thus a collaborative process was started, with an open-air insect photography laboratory.

In Capranica (VT, Italy), during a project to meet nature conceived by Giovanni Lariccia, before immersing themselves in a "forest bath", a group of children and teenagers captured photos of insects...

Public messages from the Museum

Dear users and friends, Nov. 2022


To Brescian schools, May 2023



The Museum Door
Trichodes apiarius, fam. Cleridae. Remedello (BS), 10 Jun 2010. Bonsignori Inst, high school cl. V
The Children's Virtual Museum of Small Animals