Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Hexapoda, Class Insecta
 Ephemeroptera, Mantodea, Odonata, Orthoptera

Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Hexapoda, Class Insecta
Theyhave  triangular heads on flexible necks and  forelegs enlarged and adapted for catching and gripping prey. Their upright posture, while remaining stationary common, has led to the common name praying mantis. Eggs are a froth mass-produced by glands in the abdomen, that hardens, creating a protective capsule, called an ootheca.
They were considered to have supernatural powers by early civilizations, including Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, and Assyria.
Order Mantodea

Ancient Greek lepís = scale + pteron = wing

incomplete metamorphosis

33 families, 2400 described species
Also here a small book is quoted from a work with children, in which they invented the story of an imaginary people, based on the meeting with a Mantis.

ffam Libellulidae. Italia, Brescia. Jul 2018, by Paolo Beneventi (4K video)
fam Libellulidae. Italia, Brescia. Jul 2018, by Paolo Beneventi (4K video)
Aeshna cyanea, fam. Aeshnidae. Italia, central Pre Alps, pond, 4 Aug 2011. By Paolo Beneventi
fam. Aeshnidae. Italia, central Pre Alps, pond, 4 Aug 2011. Provided by Paolo for didactics, but not shot with children.
fam Libellulidae. Malaysia, 26 Mar 2018, by Davies Leong
fam. Libellulidae. Colombia, Rionegro, 8 Aug 2017. Astrid Duran & Seba Rivillas.
fam. Libellulidae. Colombia, Rionegro, 8 Aug 2017. Astrid Duran & Seba Rivillas.
fam. Libellulidae. Italia, Remedello (BS), 10 Jun 2010. Bonsignori Inst., high school cl. V
fam Calopterygidae. Italia, northern internal plain wetland, 26 Jun 2011. Provided by Paolo Beneventi
fam. Coenagrionidae. Italia, northern internal plain wetland, 1 Jul 2013. Provided by Paolo Beneventi
fam. Coenagrionidae. Italia, northern internal plain wetland, 2 Jun 2009. Provided by Paolo Beneventi
fam. Coenagrionidae. Italia, northern internal plain wetland, 2 Jun 2009. Provided by Paolo Beneventi
fam. Coenagrionidae. Italia, northern internal plain wetland, 1 Lug 2013. Provided by Paolo Beneventi
fam. Acrididae.  Italia, Brescia, 12 Oct 2013. Provided by Paolo for didactics, but not shot with children.
fam. Acrididae. Italia, Oglio river, 22 Sep 2013. Provided by Paolo for didactics, but not shot with children.
fam. Acrididae. Greece, Peloponnese, 1 Dec 2015, Pyrgos primary school 3
fam. Acrididae. Greece, Peloponnese, 2 Dec 2015, Pyrgos primary school 3
fam. Acrididae,. Italia, Brescia, 1 Apr 2008. Provided by Paolo for didactic, but not shot with children.
fam. Acrididae, Italia, Brescia, 13 Aug 2007. Provided by Paolo for didactics, but not shot with children.
fam. Acrididae, Italia, Brescia, 13 Aug 2007. Provided by Paolo for didactics, but not shot with children.
fam. Acrididae, Italia, Brescia, 31 Aug 2013. By Paolo Beneventi.
fam. Acrididae. Italia, Brescia, 16 Oct 2013. Provided by Paolo Beneventi (HD video)
fam. Acrididae. Italia, Brescia, 8 Apr 2009. Provided by Paolo for didactic, but not shot with children.
fam. Acrididae, Italia, Brescia, 1 Sep 2013. Provided by Paolo for didactic, but not shot with children.
fam. Acrididae, Italia, Brescia, 1 Sep 2013. Provided by Paolo for didactic, but not shot with children.
fam. Acrididae, Italia, Brescia, 1 Sep 2013. Provided by Paolo for didactic, but not shot with children.
fam. Acrididae, Italia, Brescia, 27 Sep 2014. Provided by Paolo Beneventi
fam. Acrididae, Italia, Brescia, 27 Sep 2014. Provided by Paolo Beneventi
fam Acrididae. Italia, Oglio River, 22 Sep 2013, by Paolo Beneventi
fam. Acrididae. Italia, Pre-Alps, 15 Aug 2013, Provided by Paolo for didactic, but not shot with children.
fam.Acrididae,  Italia, Central Pre Alps, 16 SEpt. 2011 Provided by Paolo for didactics
fam.Acrididae,  Italia, Central Pre Alps, 11 Aug 2014 Provided by Paolo for didactics
fam. Acrididae, Italia, Garda lake Pre alps, 5 Lug 2014. Provided by Paolo for didactics.
fam. Acrididae, Italia, Garda lake Pre alps, 5 Lug 2014. Provided by Paolo for didactics.
Omocestus rufipes. fam. Acrididae, Italia, Garda lake Pre alps, 5 Lug 2014. Provided by Paolo for didactics.
fam Acrididae, Taiwan 2016, by Cindea Hung
fam Acrididae,. Italia, Oglio River, 22 Sep 2013. Provided by Paolo for didactic, but not shot with children.
fam  Acrididae,. Malaysia, 15 Nov 2016, by Khor GH
fam Acrididae, Taiwan, Jan 2022, by Cindea Hung
fam Acrididae, Taiwan, Jan 2022, by Cindea Hung
fam Acrididae, Taiwan, Jan 2022, by Cindea Hung
fam Acrididae, Altipiano di Cariadeghe (BS), Central Pre Alps Aug 2022, Paolo Beneventi & Nathan, 9 y.old
fam Acrididae, Altipiano di Cariadeghe (BS), Central Pre Alps Aug 2022, Paolo Beneventi & Nathan, 9 y.old
fam Acrididae, Altipiano di Cariadeghe (BS), Central Pre Alps Aug 2022, Paolo Beneventi & Nathan, 9 y.old
fam Acrididae, Altopiano di Cariadeghe (BS), Central Pre Alps, Jul 2022, by Elena Ambrogio
fam Romaleidae, Colombia, 1 Jan 2017, by Rocio Rivillas
fam. Romaleidae. Paripueira (Alagoas) Brasil, 29 Nov 2010. Provided by Umberto Colosio.
fam Pyrgomorphidae, Taiwan, 14 Nov 2021, by Cindea hung
fam Pyrgomorphidae, Taiwan, 14 Nov 2021, by Cindea hung
fam. Tettigoniidae. Italia, Central Pre Alps Monte Guglielmo (BS), Jul 2005. Provided by Paolo for didactics, but not shot with children (SD video)
fam. Tettigoniidae. Italia, Brescia, 8 Jun 2007. Provided by Paolo for didactics, but not shot with children.
fam. Tettigoniidae. Italia, Brescia, 8 Jun 2007. Provided by Paolo for didactics, but not shot with children.
fam Tettigoniidae, Italia, Brescia, 9 Jun 2007. Provided by Paolo for didactics, but not shot with children.
fam Tettigoniidae, Italia, Brescia, 20 Oct 2014. by Paolo Beneventi
fam Tettigoniidae, Italia, Brescia, 20 Oct 2014. by Paolo Beneventi
fam.Tettigoniidae, Italia, Garda Lake, 10 May 2011, Bedizzole S.Vito
fam.Tettigoniidae,Brescia, 7 Jun 2011, by Paolo Beneventi
fam.Tettigoniidae, Brescia, Italia, 3 May 2014, Tiboni
fam Tettigoniidae, . Italia, Brescia, 21 Nov 2006, Ungaretti IIIb
fam.Tettigoniidae, Greece, Peloponnese, 2 Dec 2015, Pyrgos 3rd primary school.
fam.Tettigoniidae, Brescia, Italia, 8 May 2014, Tiboni IIIa
ffam.Tettigoniidae,  Italia, Brescia, 10 Apr 2014, Tiboni IVb
fam.Tettigoniidae,  Italia, Brescia, 10 Apr 2014, Tiboni IVb
fam Tettigoniida. Italia, Tufo di Carsoli (AQ), Central Apennines, 6 Aug 2011, Mirko, 6.5 years
fam Tettigoniidae. Turkey, Jun 2022, by Huri Cinar
fam  fam Tettigoniidae. Turkey, May 2019, by Huri Cinar
fam  fam Tettigoniidae. Turkey, May 2019, by Huri Cinar
fam  fam Tettigoniidae. Turkey, May 2019, by Huri Cinar
fam Tettigoniidae. Turkey, Feb 2020, by Huri Cinarr

Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Hexapoda, Class Insecta
This order is closely related to mayflies and several extinct orders from prehistoric times in a group called the Palaeoptera (Greek palaiós = old).
There are also small ones, but in this order of strong flyers there some of the largest insects in the world. All have aquatic larvae and all, larvae and adults, are carnivorous. The adults have short antennae, very large eyes, can land, but rarely walk, as their legs are specialised for catching prey.
Order Odonata

Ancient Greek odṓn = tooth

incomplete metamorphosis

27 families, 5900 described species
Suborder Epiprocta
This suborder was proposed recently, including the infraorder Anisoptera  (Greek anisos = unequal" + pteron = wing and the so called Anisozygoptera (only one genus, intermediate between dragonflies and damselflies). They are sturdy hunters and, to catch their prey in flight with their front legs, they have very good eyesight. An adult dragonfly's compound eyes have nearly 24,000 elements each.
Order Ephemeroptera

Gr.ephemera = short life + ptera = wing
incomplete metamorphosis

42 families, 3000 described species
This order is part of an ancient group of insects termed the Palaeoptera, which also contains dragonflies and damselflies, with ancestral traits that were probably present in the first flying insects.
From a middle school, we have here some interesting pictures of larvae at the microscope.

Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Hexapoda, Class Insecta
Suborder Zygoptera
At rest, damselflies keep their wings folded over the body and not spread out like dragonflies. They are generally smaller and have slimmer and delicate bodies, however, members of the Pseudostigmatidae family (helicopter damselflies) are very long and have a huge wingspan.

Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Hexapoda, Class Insecta
Grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets are known to be jumping insects and are able to fold their wings (a feature of Neoptera, (greek néos = new) + pterón = wing), "modern" insects, compared to Paleoptera.
They produce a characteristic sound (known as a "stridulation") by rubbing their wings or their legs against each other and. Crickets have their "ear" (the organ with which they hear sounds) on the legs, Grasshoppers on the abdomen.
Order Orthoptera

Ancient Greek orthós = straight, + pterá = wings

incomplete metamorphosis

27 families, 20,000 described species
Suborder Caelifera
This suborder was proposed recently, including the infraorder Anisoptera  (from Latin caelum = sky + fero = to take (the clouds of grasshoppers in flight?). are probably the oldest living group of chewing herbivorous insects. They are usually solitary, but some species under certain circumstances gregarious and, flying in huge flocks, are significant agricultural pests.
Suborder Ensifera
True crickets, bush crickets and others (from Latin ensis = swoard + fero = to take, for the long blade-like ovipositor of the females), they are supposed by scientists to be more "ancient" than Caelifera. They can be easily distinguished from Grasshoppers looking at their antennas, much longer. Most of species are herbivorous, but there are also carnivorous ones.
The Children's Virtual Museum of Small Animals
from the school yard to the Internet!
For Kids, for Teachers, for all People who want to set it up together!
Trichodes apiarius, fam. Cleridae. Remedello (BS), 10 Jun 2010. Bonsignori Inst, high school cl. V
The Museum Door
Eresus cinnaberinus, m., fam. Eresidae
Map of Insecta
Trichodes apiarius, fam. Cleridae. Remedello (BS), 10 Jun 2010. Bonsignori Inst, high school cl. V
The Museum Door
Eresus cinnaberinus, m., fam. Eresidae
Map of Insecta