Brescia, Italy, Santa Maria Bambina  prrimary school, year 2006 (SD video)
"I am trying to collect better, day by day, all my pieces of video on small animals, taking them from several disks and cards and and putting them by name (flies, ladybugs, spiders etc.) into re-ordered folders. Having things under control and not scattered all over the place allows us to work much better. I'm discovering a lot of very interesting shots I had forgotten and I'm going to edit new short, very selected pieces of movies.
If others in our group do something like this, we can make, if we like, many good new works.

Paolo Beneventi, November 2022.
Video here are made by us, often taken during the open workshops, under the "direction" of children. They call the adult, the conductor of the experience, or a teacher, sometimes a school mate of their, to take not only still pictures, but also moving shots of insects and spiders, with the live voices all around. That is something, the emotion in kids'  voices, that people do not find in the documentaries of BBC or National Geographic!
Costruiamo insieme il Museo Virtuale dei Piccoli Animali (Let’s set up together the Virtual Museum of Small Animals), Brescia, Italy 2014
A locust on the wall.While watching the short video, 3rd grade children make spontaneous comments and come to an explanation...
Video, properly used, can be a great help to show clearly how kids become interested in things and learn them, often through paths different from the traditional transmission of knowledge by a teacher.
I primi passi della Locusta (The first Steps of the Locust), Italy 2014
A video shooting test by Paolo Beneventi, with kids' commentaries
Anacridium aegyptium
Carabidae,.Italy 2004-2006-2011 (edited 2013)
They are safe insects for humans and they do not suffer too much if picked up. But here we see that it can be much more interesting just to watch them, as they dig among leaves and stones
Amara sp. Harpalus sp.
But please remember, kids: DO NOT TOUCH THE INSECTS!
Chrysomelidae, Italy 2004-2005 (edited 2013)
Two  beetles of the family found by the kids, during the early experiences of discovering, Brescia.
Agelastica sp, Oulema sp.
Curculionidae, Italy 2006 (edited 2013)
Often, surrounded by nearby humans, insects stop moving. It is their defense strategy, as many predators only attack what moves. We can take advantage to observe them. This, Curculionidae family, appears to have a big nose and mustache!
Phyllobius sp.
Videos of specific small animals
In 2010, we had been online for the first time. After a very short time the group UniteDreams from Iran sent us a video dedicated to the Museum. It is not possible to embed it in tihis site, but we can watch it directly in YouTube,
The Children's Virtual Museum of Small Animals
from the school yard to the Internet!
For Kids, for Teachers, for all People who want to set it up together!
La casa delle formiche - The home of ants, Italy 2006, (edited in 2013)
Children very young, 1st grade and kindergarten, look and comment with emotion (English subtitles soon!)
Different species of Ants.
Il Calabrone Bagnato (the Wet Hornet), Italy 2010
It was found in into a hole, with some white stuff around that when the film maker arrived was there no more (the power of kids' curiosity!).In the end it flew away.
Vespa crabro
Xylocopa violacea, Italy 2016
It was foraging on jasmine. During year 2022, somehow this video has been noticed on the net and is getting a good number of views
Xylocopa violacea
The Quarreling Wasps, Italy 2010
On the sill of a window inthe school yard, we find a wasp nest. First graders children look at the wasps from behind, live and magnified inside the camera display.
Polistes dominulus
By preparing these pages, we have tried to recover the videos that we had published online over the years. While there were no problems with videos on YouTube, we were unable to embed those from our Vimeo channel so far.

Crematogaster scutellaris, Italy 2014
A long queue along the bark of a tree, a queen with a big belly... Red and black ants with heart shaped bottom.
Crematogaster scutellaris
Api nel parco (Bees in the park), Italy 2013
There was a stump in the park, with a hole where bees swarmed from a hive had made their new home
Apis mellifera
Le api con la casa sotto terra (The bees with the house under the ground), Italy 2013
There are holes in the small clearing without grass in the kindergarten playground. When the children leave, little bees come in and out...
Andrena sp.

Il Ragno e la Maestra (The Spider and the Teacher), Italy 2010
The teacher is afraid of spiders, but takes the courage to shoot one with the video camera
Philodromus margaritatus.
The cleanliness of the hoverfly - La "doccia" della mosca, Italy 2014
It looks like a bee, but it's a fly. Like all flies, it spends most of its time grooming and washing itself...
Eristalis tenax.
Other videos coming soon...
La Farfalla Monarca - The Monarch Butterfly, Italy 2011
From a video cassette taken by a friend, a video is made on which children say their commentaries, during the experience of Bambini Oggi Mompiano. Brescia, Italu 2011-2012
Danaus plexippus.
YouTube Playlist
Metamorfosi di un insetto  - Metamorphosis of an insect, Italy 2010,
The class has found and takes care of a caterpillar, but the insect that will
emerge from the cocoon after the metamorphosis will not be a butterfly
Un alveare di vespe (vespa crabro): calabroni ((A hive of hornets), Italy 2010.
A hornet's nest had been wrapped in transparent plastic so that it could be observed and filmed up close without danger......
Vespa crabro.

Go and watch the Summary Table!

Videos self-made by kids
Videos self-made by kids
Video by Leonardo 11 years old, with the images taken on May 22 2022 in the garden of the  Valtenesi Archaeological Museum of Manerba (Brescia, Italy)
Send you videos and we publish them here!
Please, short videos, without moving the camera, possibly horizontal. Don't send anything but the ones that came out right, edited or not. Either we will publish them as they are, or we will put them together. Write your name and age, the date and place where they were filmed.
Do not use social networks that require registration to view or download, send us the original files by e-mail, with systems such as Wetransfer, or inviting us to shared folders on Google drive, Dopbox or similar. Links to YouTube or other platforms from which addresses can be incorporated are also fine.
Our Email
Trichodes apiarius, fam. Cleridae. Remedello (BS), 10 Jun 2010. Bonsignori Inst, high school cl. V
The Museum Door
Trichodes apiarius, fam. Cleridae. Remedello (BS), 10 Jun 2010. Bonsignori Inst, high school cl. V
The Museum Door